Manual Powerpoint 2011 Mac Pdf
CustomGuide’s Quick Reference for the Mac version of PowerPoint 2011 provides a handy “at-a-glance” tip sheet to get you familiarized with the basics, including: Create new presentations Insert. Microsoft® Word for Mac 2011 does not produce accessible PDFs. However, the free open-source programs OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and NeoOffice can open Word 2011 documents, and export them to a tagged, accessible PDF. After installing one of those applications, use it to open your Word document. Then, from the File menu, select Export as PDF.
Free Powerpoint 2011
Saving a PowerPoint presentation as a PDF has its pros and cons. The biggest advantage is that recipients won't be able to edit your slides, andyou can embed fonts easily. An even better advantage is that you may use PDFs as a substitute for printing drafts or finished slides, thus saving somuch paper. Disadvantages include that you cannot be entirely multimedia-friendly. Whatever your thoughts may be, PowerPoint makes it very easy tocreate PDFs.
Follow these steps to create a PDF in PowerPoint 2011:
PowerPoint 2011 for Mac increases size of.ppt files. Saving of a file with one slide and 100 shapes takes less than a second, but saving of a file with 50 slides and more than 10K of shapes takes more than a minute! The worse is that PowerPoint 2011 dies when saving really large.ppt files, with more than 15K of shapes. Oct 15, 2012 PowerPoint 2011 Tutorial to Create Appear and Disappear Animation on a Mac PUBLIC SPEAKING - Duration: 6:15. Eric Robertson 62,157 views.
- Open your presentation that you want to save as a PDF. Make sure you save your presentation (⌘+S) one last time.
- Now choose the FileSave As option. This brings up the Save As dialog box that you can seein Figure 1, below.
Figure 1: Save as dialog box - Choose the location to save the PDF, provide an output filename, and select the Save As Type option, highlighted inred within Figure 1, above. In the resultant pop-up menu, choose PDF as the file typeas shown highlighted in green in Figure 2, below.
Figure 2: Save as PDF - Click the Options button, highlighted in blue within Figure 1, to bring up theOptions dialog box you can see in Figure 3. Do note that options in this dialog box do not pertain specifically toPDFs only, and thus this dialog box is of limited value. Click the OK button to apply the changes made here and to get back to theSave As dialog box.
Figure 3: Save as Options - Now click the Save button, highlighted in orange within Figure 1. PowerPoint will nowpublish your presentation as a PDF.
See Also:
Manual Powerpoint 2011 Mac Pdf Download
Save as PDF in PowerPoint 2016 for Windows
Save as PDF in PowerPoint 2013 for Windows
Save as PDF in PowerPoint 2010 for Windows
Using the Office 2007 Save as PDF Add-in
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